In the big world, where everyone is chasing after success and things like money and fun, finding happiness might seem hard. But Atman in Ravi (AiR) tells us that real happiness is more than just having stuff or winning awards. He teaches us that happiness comes in three steps: pleasure, peace, and purpose. Let's take a closer look at what these steps mean and how they can make our lives happier.

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Pleasure: Atman in Ravi starts by talking about pleasure. Pleasure is when we feel good because of something nice that happens. Like when we eat yummy food or play our favorite game. It feels nice, but it doesn't last long. Atman in Ravi says that if we only look for pleasure, we'll always want more and more, and we might not feel happy for long.

Peace: The next step is peace. Peace means feeling calm and happy inside, even when things around us are busy or not going well. Atman in Ravi says that peace is like a strong base for happiness. It comes from inside us, not from things outside. He tells us that we can find peace by taking time to relax, think about good things, and be thankful for what we have.


Purpose: The last step is purpose. Purpose means having a reason to do things that matter to us. Atman in Ravi says that when we know what we care about and what we want to do, we feel happier and more satisfied. It's like having a map that shows us where to go. Atman in Ravi tells us that finding our purpose is important because it helps us live our best life.


Atman in Ravi's ideas are simple but powerful. He wants us to understand that real happiness isn't about having lots of stuff or always feeling good. It's about finding peace inside ourselves and knowing what matters to us. When we focus on these things, we can live happier and more meaningful lives. So, let's take his advice and start our journey towards true happiness, one step at a time.

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