A special 30-minute-long preview for 'Inside Out 2' was hosted by the makers for fans and critics. Fans who were lucky enough to catch half an hour of the Pixar film were enthralled by the storyline. While some lauded the film's storyline, others called it their favourite Pixar film.

Recently, critics and fans were treated to a 30-minute preview of Pixar Animation's highly anticipated sequel, 'Inside Out 2'. Many attendees expressed their excitement by sharing reactions on social media, confirming that the film's emotions, charm, humour, and surprises were impossible to ignore.

While some fans described it as 'a perfect sequel', and 'fave Pixar film', others shared their thoughts appreciating the pacing, hilarious new entries, and the storyline. 

Watch the trailer of 'Inside Out 2' here:

Pixar's YouTube description of the film's trailer can be read: "The little voices inside Riley's head know her inside and out—but next summer, everything changes when Disney and Pixar's 'Inside Out 2' introduces a new Emotion: Anxiety. According to director Kelsey Mann, the new character promises to stir things up within headquarters. "Anxiety, voiced by Maya Hawke, might be new to the crew, but she's not really the type to take a back seat," said Mann. "That makes a lot of sense if you think about it in terms of what goes on inside all our minds." A trailer, poster and film stills are now available for what promises to be the feel-good (or feel-everything) film of Summer 2024."

'Inside Out 2' will embark on a journey to the silver screen, tracing protagonist Riley through her teenage years as new emotions guide her mind. Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust, who have efficiently managed operations thus far, find themselves uncertain as Anxiety makes an entrance. And it appears she's not alone. She brings with her, several other emotions, catering to terms that are most common in teenagers and adults alike these days. Maya Hawke voices Anxiety, joining Amy Poehler as Joy, Phyllis Smith as Sadness, Lewis Black as Anger, Tony Hale as Fear, and Liza Lapira as Disgust.

Pixar's latest offering, 'Inside Out 2', will hit the screens on June 14.   

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